you’re invited to
Community Conversations
Roundtable discussions for entrepreneurs seeking spaces to explore interesting, polarizing, and important topics in a community gathered to decentralize knowledge, connect deeply, and catalyze change.
No primadonnas. No “power over”.
Join Us At Our Next Event
NO REPLAY. Please plan on attending the full session.
By RSVP’ing and giving us your email address you also allow us to email you. We promise to keep it consensual, fun & informative.
Data, Undressed
when: jan 25, 2023
10am – 1pm PST || 12pm – 2pm CST || 1pm – 3pm EST
Everyone sells data as the sexy, new, “cure-all”, but *spoiler* it’s not. Uncover the truth about data; what it can and cannot do for your business and how to start leveraging it without the overwhelm of staring cross-eyed at a huge set of numbers.
What happens when ideas live and die in a silo? Nothing.
What happens when one voice leads the conversations we all want to be having? Nothing.
What happens when we agree to the status quo and never challenge and question the way it is? Absolutely Nothing.
We don’t know about you, but we’re sick of NOTHING happening.
So let’s do something about it…
We’re Chrissie and Eliya.
Your hosts & co-facilitators.
We’ve designed “Community Conversations” as a place for entrepreneurs to come together in a safe space to really dive into the interesting, polarizing, difficult topics we wish we were talking about… without the power games of people trying to sell something or make a point.
This is a space uniquely dedicated to:

Here’s How Community Conversations Work:
Find the topic interesting, intriguing, or infuriating? Register to join us!
Check your inbox for an email with next steps and expectations, an invite to a private community in Heartbeat to connect with fellow conversers (optional) and reminder emails.
Block out this time for yourself and be prepared to be on camera (I swear it won’t be awkward – at least not for long).
Show up without any preconceived notions of what it’s going to be like. Just be you. And share from your experience. (Real, lived experience is highly valued here!)
Connect with people you felt drawn to. Keep having conversations. Keep sharing ideas. Keep building your community.
Relationships Create Results.
And They Are Formed In Good Conversations.
Here’s who Community Conversations ARE for:
People of all races, genders, and religions.
Kind, forward-thinking, inquisitive people, not afraid to challenge the status quo.
People searching for more perspectives to learn from.
People looking for deeper, more genuine, connections that aren’t just about business
here’s Who Community Conversations are NOT for:
Bro’s (and undercover Bro’s)
Jerks, racists, transphobes, antisemites, general assholes, or rude people (you get the idea…).
People only interested in hearing their own voice and their own opinion.
People coming into this space with the intention of pitching/selling something.
Still not sure if this is the right place for you?
Check this out.
our values
Every voice matters.
Relationships create results.
Failure fuels innovation.
Choose radical responsibility.
Generate opportunity; decentralize knowledge.
And We Believe:
Black, Indigenous and Trans Lives Matter. Love is love. Women’s rights are human rights. Ability takes many forms. Science is real. And we accept that we will not always get it right in our part towards justice and equity – but that is the work.
Does that sound good to you? Cool.
You’re in the right place and we would love to have you!